Weksil LLC

Office Address

3548 Richboro Dr. Holiday FL 34691

Phone Number


Email Address

[email protected]

    PocketMLS.com Private Listing Network

    Project Information

    PocketMLS.com Private Listing Network

    Premier private listing network designed exclusively for coming soon/ pre-listing properties. Our platform allows you to pre-list properties privately, ensuring maximum confidentiality and control. Unlike public MLS, our unsyndicated network keeps your listings exclusive, reaching only a curated audience of qualified brokers and serious buyers.

    Benefits of using PocketMLS.com our private listing network include:

    • Discretion and Privacy: Maintain confidentiality and control over your listings, protecting the seller’s privacy and avoiding unnecessary public exposure.
    • Exclusive Exposure: Connect with a select group of vetted brokers and serious buyers, bypassing the noise of the broader market.
    • Avoid Price Reductions: Test the market privately to gauge interest and adjust pricing without the negative impact of public price reductions.
    • Faster Transactions: Access a network of motivated brokers and buyers, often resulting in quicker negotiations and closings.
    • Market Time: Avoid the stigma of a “stale listing”. Without a visible market time clock, properties are shielded from the perception that something might be wrong if they haven't sold quickly. This allows sellers to test pricing strategies and market interest without the pressure of reducing the price or facing negative buyer assumptions that often come with extended days on market in public MLS systems. This leads to a more flexible, strategic approach to marketing and selling the property.
    • Soft Lunch Pre-Listing: A key benefit of a pre-listing or soft launch is the ability to test pricing strategies without public scrutiny. By privately introducing a property to a select group of brokers and serious buyers, you can gauge market interest and adjust the price based on real feedback before formally listing it. This strategy helps you find the optimal price point, ensuring that when the property is fully launched, it enters the market competitively priced, maximizing buyer interest and minimizing the need for future price reductions.